26 June 2007
If you buy a Stockholm Pass for 290 SEK you can visit as many museums as you like in 24 hours. This day we bought a card and set out on a quest to see and experience as many museums in one day as possible. The Royal Armoury (Livrustkammaren in Swedish, with a wonderful exhibition on shoes), Storkyrkan, the Royal Palace (a quickie since a man threw up in the hallway and we were both paranoid about catching something), the Nobel Museum (who just happened to have an exhibition on Winston Churchill), Nationalmuseum, Östasiatiska museet, Moderna museet, Arkitekturmuseet, Akvarium, Vasamuseet and Nordiska museet. When we had made it to Nordiska museet they were closing. "There HAS to be another museum open" Lizette said in panic and decided that the only option for us was to visit Skansen, as they were the only one still open. This proved to be funny as, by coincindence, The Ark were playing at "Allsång på Skansen".

Inside the loo at the Royal CastleThe Royal CastleAndr� Odeblom in Stockholm


StockholmThe Royal CastleLizette Nilsson in Stockholm

The Old Town�stasiatiska museetThe ferries of the Djurg�rden

MuseumsLizette Nilsson in StockholmWasa

Nordiska MuseetSkansenSkansen

SkansenAlls�ng p� Skansen (Singing at Skansen)

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