1 July 2007
1 July 2007 was a Sunday, and nothing was opened, so we decided to see as many cities as possible in Nordrhein-Westfalen. The first one is, however, from Hanover where we had breakfast. Pictures 2 to 6 are from Bielefeld, pictures 7 to 11 from Hamm, 12 to 19 from Münster, 20-21 from Recklinghausen, 23-24 from Witten, 24-26 from Hagen, 27-29 from Bergisch Gladbach and the last ones from Neuss. Münster was especially interesting with its city council and cathedral. The number plate of the car is funny in Swedish, but not in English or German. Elak means mean in English and böse in German. Further down there is a movie in which I drive 200 km/h on the autobahn. To drive in such speeds legally is perhaps unique in the world.

Lizette Nilsson drinking tea in HanoverAndr� Odeblom in BielefeldBielefeld

BielefeldLizette Nilsson in BielefeldBielefeld

HammLizette Nilsson in HammHamm


Andr� Odeblom in M�nsterM�nsterThe old city council of M�nster

St. Lambertikirche in M�nsterMean or B�se in Swedish, that is why it is so fun:-)The Cathedral of M�nster

RecklinghausenKarstadt in RecklinghausenWitten

Fantastic Subway in WittenHagenHagen

Lizette Nilsson in HagenBergisch GladbachBergisch Gladbach

Bergisch GladbachNeussNeuss


Driving 200 km/h on the Autobahn

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