Kiruna -The Largest Municipality in Sweden |
Kiruna is actually one of the biggest municipalities in the world sizewise. 25 000 people reside there, and they have Sweden's highest mountain just a few miles from the city center, Kebnekaise (2 111 metres). Of course Kiruna's biggest thing is the mine, because without it there would be no Kiruna at all. In the 19th century it was profitable to mine ore thanks to the railways. The County Hall and the Church of Kiruna are two other famous landmarks. The former was designated the most beautiful official building in Sweden in 1964, and the latter the most beautiful building in Sweden in 2001. At Jukkasjärvi there are two famous buildings, the church with the altar-piece made by Bror Hjort, and above all Jukkasjärvi Ice Hotel. Each year the hotel is built up with ice from the Torne River. East of Jukkasjärvi, at Esrange, there is space research going on. |
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